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How to be safer and have more fun with cardboard


For 30 bucks you can cut an unlimited supply of cardboard circles from 6-26 cm.  We have had an amazing time making cardboard wheels and no longer have to purchase overseas poker chips. 


https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/H-3552/Cutters/Slice-Box-Cutter-Safety?pricode=WA9577&gadtype=pla&id=H-3552&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-Kmu96_M5AIVgrfsCh1BAAqYEAQYAiABEgLUW_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds  about $20

Box Cutters and exacto knives are sketchy.  This blunt tip ceramic blade will satisfy most of your cardboard cutting needs, and it is smooth and ergonomic looking.  And the blade stays sharp for a long time, and it is super hard to have injuries because the blade retracts automatically 

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  • These are great! Thanks!

    Additionally, we've had a lot of luck with these electric zip snips from Worx -- we call them "cardboard saws" in our space. But they are pricy -- if you keep your eye on them, you can get them for $25 or so every now and again.

    We also like these cardboard scissors. (They cut way more than just cardboard, too.)

    For K-2 kids, we've had luck with Canary Knives (strong enough to cut cardboard but *usually* don't cut skin) and Klever Kutters, which are super cheap.

    WORX WX081L ZipSnip Cutting Tool - - Amazon.com
    WORX WX081L ZipSnip Cutting Tool - - Amazon.com
    • We grabbed 2 zipsnips after seeing them at the MBAQ last meetup - found them refurb'd at Home Depot for $22per. 

      LOVE the canary knives - the only way to go; we have a dozen of them. The Klever Kutters have all been heavily reviewed with colorful middle school adjectives, mainly "these are trash!". We agree.

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